
Data Tools for Health Funds

We provide Data Tools and that aid PHI Funds to reduce benefit outlays, reduce operating expenses, retain policyholders and amplify marketing return on investment.


During FY25 we will release Data Tools - each belonging to one of three data series

Series 1 is our Outside Hospital Services Innovation ("OHSI") - they aid funds to reduce benefit outlays and minimise future year premium rate rises.

Series 2 is our Management Expense ("ME") Data Tools and PHInsights - those benchmarking tools help funds to reduce operating expenses.

Series 3 is our Policyholder Value Data Tools and PHInsights - they help funds to retain policyholders and amplify marketing return on investment. 


Every Data Tool provides actionable insights that help you get the best answer and save you time.

Via partnership, we have Data Tools that help health funds maximise savings realisable via OHSIs.

Includes our ME Composition Benchmarker and our ME Trend Index

Includes our Policyholder Trust Benchmark, our Policyholder Lapse Projector, our Lifetime Policy Value Calculator and our Affordability Index

WHAT IS 'a PHInsight' ?

A PHInsight is a series of data-derived perspectives that reveal opportunities to enhance health fund performance or to reduce likelihood of adverse performance. Each PHInsight has application that can aid a health fund to either:

(1) reduce benefit outlays;

(2) reduce management expenses; or

(3) raise policyholder retention and amplify marketing return on investment.

These data driven perspectives shed a quantitative torch on these key issues and parse options that can guide PHI leaders towards practical solutions. The perspectives we provide aim to facilitate informed decision-making. 

If you work with a subscribing fund you can access all PHInsights but we recommend investing quality-time ONLY on the ones topical to your domain. Those are the ones that save you the most time and help you get your Fund to the best outcome more seamlessly. 

We say this because we want to ensure PHInsights gives you back maximal time savings. 

Phonetically, PHInsight is pronounced with an 'F' sound (like Finsight).


During FY25 we will publish data driven visual and documented PHInsights on …

Our data derived evidence base explaining the savings & ROI available already at varying levels of OHSI campaign intensity

Surprises from our inaugural ME Composition Benchmark

Which funds are the most trusted by their own policyholders ... and do our data sets (yet) tell us why?

Results of our inaugural clinical review of today's OHSI programs - courtesy of PHInsights' Clinical and Commercial Panels

Which functions are feeling the greatest cost pressure? And can we (yet) see any efficiency opportunities?

Our modelled findings of outlays savings available five years from now under X, Y and Z circumstance and how we can deliver on X, Y and Z?

Our fund by fund Lapse Projector was xx% accurate in FY25. Here are it predictions for FY26.

Which distribution channels deliver the highest (and lowest) ROIs and can we discern why?


We are on a mission to help funds make PHI considerably more affordable for younger and working age policyholders

Why working age policyholders? Because our community rated system relies on that group turning up. In the past decade, 10.3% of them have either left us or matured into the transitional age group. Right now, with soaring interest rates, we risk seeing that cohort leave us. Hence, cost reducing innovation isn’t just an option, it's an imperative – for the sustainability of our health system (including the public health system).